Your Local Union created a Contracting Out Committee in order to ensure the contracting out language in our CBA is upheld, and our members’ rights are protected, as per our Collective Bargaining Agreement. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact the Committee Chair or the Union Hall at 250-828-2860 for more information on how to be a committee rep, our next training schools, etc.
To View The Current Contracting Out Committee List Click HERE
(a) The Company recognizes the Union’s concern over the use of contractors to do the work that the Bargaining Unit employees normally perform and, as such, agrees to continue its practice to perform operations and maintenance work with its own employees provided it has the manpower, skills, equipment and facilities to do so.
(b) The Company hereby assures the Union that it will continue its general operating policy of placing primary reliance on its own employees to perform operations and maintenance work. To this end, the Company agrees that operations and maintenance work currently performed by Highland Valley Copper employees in the Mine, Mill and Administration Departments will continue to be performed by members of the Bargaining Unit.
(c) The Company agrees that sub‑contract work, normally performed by members of the Bargaining Unit on the Company’s premises, will be performed by Union Contractors. Thirty (30) days prior to any planned sub‑contracting, the Company will notify the Union of the name of the sub‑contractor, the nature of the work to be performed, the approximate number of sub‑contractor’s employees, the number of days to be employed and their Union affiliation. Within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the sub‑contracting work, the Company will submit to the Union the actual number of man hours to complete the job. If notice is not given pursuant to this Article 3.07 (c) the facilitator named in Article 3.07 (d) may after investigation, award a remedy to the Union for violation of this paragraph 3.07(c).
(d) Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this C.B.A., the Company and Union will establish a Joint Committee to review contracting out practices. The Joint Committee will be composed of four (4) representatives of the Union and four (4) representatives of the Company and shall include Management and Union representatives who are familiar with trades work and contracting practices. The parties further agree that V. Ready will act as a facilitator to ensure that the procedures of the Committee are carried out. The terms of reference of the Committee shall be:
i) to establish a list of work that has historically been contracted out because of the need for specialized skills, specialized equipment and the lack of facilities;
ii) to review contracted work, including warranty work, with a view to what other options may have been possible and practicable, and the goal of replacing contractors with Highland Valley Copper Bargaining Unit employees.
iii) to preview work expected to be contracted out and explore possible alternatives taking into consideration the efficiency of the operations, the urgency of the work to be performed and the availability of equipment, skills and manpower;
iv) to make recommendations to the parties respecting contracting of work as set out in ii) and iii) above.
(e) No employee shall be displaced, or laid off, or have their right to recall deferred as a result of contracting out, or as a result of a contractor’s employee(s) performing warranty work.
(f) The parties agree that the respective co-chairs of the joint committee will attempt to resolve all disputes arising from contracting out practices at Highland Valley Copper prior to the Union filing grievances. When the co-chairs can not resolve a dispute, the Union may refer the dispute to the grievance procedure.
(g)The Company agrees that it will not deny the Union access to the notice of contracting out database and will not collapse the database without prior notification to the Union. The Company further agrees that, prior to collapsing the contracting out database, arrangements will be made to ensure that the Union has access to all contracting out notices issued.